My Newest Book - Released December, 2023:
Essence - 365 God Thoughts About You
In 2015, I gave myself an assignment to write a blog post every day, asking God what He wanted to say to readers each day. This past year I felt strongly I was to put these posts into a book to encourage, and help people feel seen. My prayer for this 365-day book is that the oil of the Holy Spirit will alight like a butterfly from the pages to every reader. Let the reader find hope, life, joy, and love in the words. I was so honored to have Ray Hughes write the foreword and to have some amazing endorsers, including Dr. Brian Simmons, Matt Tommey, Theresa Dedmon, Kevin Dedmon, and Steve Backlund. I wrote this book just for you!
Tapestry - The Divine Design For Your Life - By Christine Tracy
I loved the process of writing and publishing my own book after helping so many writers realize their own author dreams. The craft, the art, the heart, the listening for the still, small voice...all came into play as I wrote my stories, my inspirations, and my testimony of loss and redemption; blessing and restoration. My life has been forever changed and my book is a way to bring others hope through my own experience. I hope it blesses you! To see more, or to order, click on the picture of my book below!
The Art of Writing - An Intimate Devotional for Writers - By Christine Tracy
What is God saying to writers of today. His wonderful secrets are readily available for you to discover in your own journaling with this book. Discover God's heart for your own writing. Click on the book to link to Amazon to buy.

Writing With God on Substack
Substack is a wonderful place to connect with all of my readers. Please join me there with a free subscription. You'll get emails when I post new thoughts and blogs. There, you can also learn about my books, and find out about online classes. I would be so honored if you would become my email friend. Here is my link:
Crisp Mountain Air Blog
I started my blog, Crisp Mountain Air, to encourage family, old friends, and new friends around the world with my writing and photography. I hope you enjoy it, and that it brings you revelation, strength, and good cheer from Papa God. To find out what a word for today is - click on the picture below, and just enter today's date: for example June 25 - and read the entries that pop up. I believe these words are for you on this day!
Substack is a wonderful place to connect with all of my readers. Please join me there with a free subscription. You'll get emails when I post new thoughts and blogs. There, you can also learn about my books, and find out about online classes. I would be so honored if you would become my email friend. Here is my link:
Crisp Mountain Air Blog
I started my blog, Crisp Mountain Air, to encourage family, old friends, and new friends around the world with my writing and photography. I hope you enjoy it, and that it brings you revelation, strength, and good cheer from Papa God. To find out what a word for today is - click on the picture below, and just enter today's date: for example June 25 - and read the entries that pop up. I believe these words are for you on this day!
BSSM Adventures Blog
My blog, BSSM Adventures, contains a host of stories and testimonies of life with God. I started it while attending Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California, and have continued it as an alumnus of this amazing school that is filled with life, miracles, and power to transform the world. My husband, Rick, and I attended from 2009 - 2011 and we have taken joy in spreading the culture of identity, royalty, love of God, and the presence of God wherever we go. To read, simply click on the picture below!
My blog, BSSM Adventures, contains a host of stories and testimonies of life with God. I started it while attending Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California, and have continued it as an alumnus of this amazing school that is filled with life, miracles, and power to transform the world. My husband, Rick, and I attended from 2009 - 2011 and we have taken joy in spreading the culture of identity, royalty, love of God, and the presence of God wherever we go. To read, simply click on the picture below!